Aga Brudny- jazz flutist, glissando flutist, composer.

Graduated from the Jazz Departament of Music Conservatory in Katowice Poland.

Her first album PLAYGROUND is a playful expression of her colorful music world where contemporary jazz blends with fusion, funk, rock, electro, folk and classical motives.

Using electric gear as well as Glissando Headjoint by Robert Dick Aga Brudny shows the flute in an unusual way: fresh, energetic, full of colour and emotional expression.


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01.02.2023 BARdzo Bardzo Warszawa

25.11.2022 8:00 pm Metrum Jazz Club Bielsko-Biała

6/7.07.2022 0:30 - 01:30 Concert at Slot Art Festival in Lubiąż (Poland)


Flute: Miyazawa

Effects: Boss